To continue our community helpers theme, we welcomed Deputy Tewell, Detective Viggiano, McGruff the Crime Dog, and Safety Pup from the Citrus County Sheriff's Office! Together, they taught us about the many ways the Sheriff's Office helps in our neighborhood. They also talked to us about ways to stay safe while riding our bikes, in our cars, trick-or-treating, and at home. Thank you all for being such important community helpers, for keeping us safe, and for taking the time to visit our class!
As a side note to our parents, our children see every thing we do, and have no problems telling on us! Make sure you are setting a good example for them, and always wear your seatbelt! Also, Deputy Tewell offered to supply bike helmets for any of our students who need them, please see Miss Karen for more information.
As a side note to our parents, our children see every thing we do, and have no problems telling on us! Make sure you are setting a good example for them, and always wear your seatbelt! Also, Deputy Tewell offered to supply bike helmets for any of our students who need them, please see Miss Karen for more information.