Wow, what fun! Miss K, from the Citrus County School District Transportation Department stopped by to help us learn about what will soon be, to many of our kids, a very important mode of transportation; a big, yellow, school bus! We began by walking around the bus, checking out the tires, the lights, and all the gizmos attached to it. Then we boarded the bus and learned how kids sit in assigned seats, how to use the seat belts, and about the rules we must follow. We also learned where the emergency exits are and how to use them. We practiced an emergency exit, and how to safely cross the road when the bus arrives. We were even able to load up and take a quick "ride" so we could pull up at the center and practice exiting the bus, just like the schoolers do! Everyone did so well that Miss K gave each of us a School Bus Safety Award, along with a copy of the bus rules and some great activities. Thank you Miss K, and the rest of the transportation department, for helping us learn about this important mode of transportation.